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去android开发者官网下载sdk比较慢,甚至访问不了;所以建议去android中文网下载sdk,如下图找到android-sdk点击链接下载就行了,也可以去我的csdn下载 The Google Mobile Ads SDK is offered for Android through Google Play services.. The Google Mobile Ads SDK does support devices that don't have Google Play, but the library cannot automatically update itself the way it does on devices with Google Play. To update such devices, you must manually update the Google Play services SDK in your app. Android Studio 是使用 Maps SDK for Android 构建应用的推荐开发环境。 第 1 步:下载 Android Studio 按照指南 下载 并 安装 Android Studio。 第 2 步:安装 Google Play 服务 SDK SDK. 使用说明 .

18-2 下載與安裝Android SDK

For example, typing 'ad ViewGro' will bring up a list of all class names in the Android SDK matching 'ViewGro'—selecting a list item navigates to the relevant Android SDK Reference URL on developer.android.com. 2.

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